Spiritual wellness is connecting to your inner and outer worlds to support you in living your values and purpose.
Signs of Spiritual Wellness
- Developing a purpose in life
- Having the ability to spend reflective time alone
- Taking time to reflect on the meaning of events in life
- Having a clear sense of right and wrong, and acting accordingly
- Having the ability to explain why you believe what you believe
- Caring and acting for the welfare of others and the environment
- Being able to practice forgiveness and compassion in life
Check in with your spiritual wellness
- Do you allow yourself time alone?
- Do you pray? Or reach out to a higher power?
- Do you think about the meaning of life?
- Do you take walks in nature? Appreciate the transformation of each season?
- Do you pause to remind yourself that life isn’t all about you?
- Do you put down your phone to just be?
- Do you practice activities that allow you to slow down?
Exploring Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness may not be something that you think much of, yet its impact on your life is unavoidable. The basis of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness in your life and coming to know that you have a purpose to fulfill.
Many factors play a part in defining spirituality - religious faith, beliefs, values, ethics, principles and morals. Some gain spirituality by growing in their personal relationships with others, or through being at peace with nature. Spirituality allows us to find the inner calm and peace needed to get through whatever life brings, no matter what one's beliefs are or where they may be on your spiritual journey.
The human spirit is the most neglected aspect of our selves. Just as we exercise to condition our bodies, a healthy spirit is nurtured by purposeful practice. The spirit is the aspect of ourselves that can carry us through anything. If we take care of our spirit, we will be able to experience a sense of peace and purpose even when life deals us a severe blow. A strong spirit helps us to survive and thrive with grace, even in the face of difficulty.
Labyrinths have long been use as a meditation and prayer tool and there is a labyrinth in the UNH Paul College courtyard. Labyrinths can be used for walking meditation to assist in finding peace and clarity, managing stress, assisting with decision making, self-exploration and reflection.
We provide guided meditations at the labyrinth in the Paul College Courtyard. Please call us at (603) 862-3823 to see when the next session will be offered.
Mandala means “sacred circle” in Sanskrit. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas are used to facilitate meditation and are used in sacred rites as a transformative tool to assist with healing.
Integrate mandalas into your wellness self-care practice; we provide:
- Free mandala coloring kits
- Group guided meditation sessions that incorporate mandala coloring
- Individual wellness education/counseling sessions that incorporate mandala coloring
Meditation is an experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spirit. Meditation encourages a deepening of consciousness or awareness, and also facilitates a deeper understanding of self and others.
We provide the following meditation services:
- Individual meditation with a wellness educator/counselor
- Group guided meditation
- Self-paced practice guided meditations
The word "yoga" means union, and the practice integrates mind, body and soul together. It is used to care for the entire body, and is beneficial for overall health, along with many different illnesses and conditions.
We provide the following yoga services:
- Free yoga class for students on Wednesdays & Fridays
- Yoga classes are also provided at UNH Campus Recreation
Spiritual Wellness Resources at UNH
Talk to Someone About Spiritual Wellness
UNH students can make individual appointments with a wellness educator/counselor to discuss wellness. Call (603) 862-3823 or make an appointment online.